This weblog is under the advisory of CP-TAG USM
(CSR and Philanthropy Transdisciplinary Action Group USM)
The chairperson of this project is Dr. Reevany Bustami, Ph.D.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, January 22, 2010

Owhh rubbish everywhere!!!!

Last weekend, I get the opportunity to visit our neighboring country, Indonesia.. This visit was organized by Kumpulan Siswa Siswi Darul Ridzuan, USM. We went to Medan for four days.. There were a lot of beautiful places in Indonesia and we went to Sipiso-piso and Danau Toba. Unfortunately, these very beautiful places with natural surroundings have been contaminated by rubbish!!!! Rubbish were everywhere.. Some of the  pictures that have been taken have rubbish in the background.. I feel very sad for this situation.. I try to find the dustbin.. But the dustbin was empty and did not look like it was used by the visitors to throw the rubbish. OMG!! I love to watch the waterfall at Sipiso-piso and i was impressed by the Toba Lake and I do not wish for these beautiful places to not be on the list of  places to visit anymore!!

Sipiso-piso waterfall is very beautiful!!

To get to the bottom of the waterfall, we had to walk through flights of stairs. Along the way, the sceneries were stained by the presence of rubbish everywhere.

This was taken on upper level of Toba Lake. Even at that place, rubbish were everywhere. 

I found only one dustbin in the area, but odd thing is that there were no rubbish in it except only a bottle of drink. 

Beautiful scene of Lake Toba..

This picture was taken at the bank of Toba Lake.. There were lot of rubbish in the lake..

What will happen to our future generations if this situation continues to exist?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

binning vs littering factors

Actually, there are also a complex list of factors pertaining to binning versus littering habits. A few of them are these:

the type of object

the type and placement of bins at the site

other bin like objects in the vicinity

the time available for disposal

environmental factors

whether the litterer is alone or in a group

the person’s attitudes

their skill at monitoring their own behaviour and the disposable objects
Let us look at some other interesting facts from a case study carried out...

Comparing Attitudes and Behaviour

The study revealed major differences between the attitudes and behaviour of litterers. There were often large differences between the manner in which people reported their behaviour and observations of their actual behaviour. A rigid two-way distinction between people who litter and people who use bins is not useful in identifying targets for prevention programmers. Some litterers arrange their litter tidily and others discard it carelessly. Some people bin certain objects and litter others. The most common reasons for littering reported were:

no bin being nearby

habit and forgetfulness

the inconvenience of continuing to hold on to the waste material

there was no ashtray available

The above quotations are taken from the
Local Authority Case Studies

As we can see, littering behaviour is not that simple. Thus it is not easy to curb.

Saturday, January 9, 2010



  • Lack of litter awareness
  • Lack of  knowledge of the effect case by  littering
  • Lack of punishment to control environmental enforcement in campus
  • Less of dustbin in USM


* Pollution
-      Give stress to stay in campus
-       Negative perception to the university
-       Garbage disposal would affect the students health and their learning process

*   Health problems
-      If this problem continuously happen, it would cause an  infectious diseases
-       Affect the respiratory system

* To sustain the  APEX university’s quality
-  To sustain the healthy campus 


  • Own self-awareness
  • Join and support the litter awareness campaign to curb this problem like “say no to plastic bag”
  • Increase knowledge by source from book, magazine, radio, television and so on
  • Improve law enforcement system
  • “Be an environmental consumer”
-          Encourage your friends to be begin recycling
-          Using own bags during shopping 

Created by:
Nor Farah Wahida Binti Hahary

Thursday, January 7, 2010

no dustbin=littering??

We get the idea to do a weblog about littering because sometimes we are in the situation that when we want to throw the rubbish, it's very hard to find the dustbin near us.. It's happen everywhere.. And usually it was happen to us at USM.. There are lack of dustbins at USM.. and we think that, lack of dustbins is a major factor of why people are littering.. Do you have same experience like us? How would you react to this situation if you do? Do you just throw it anywhere or do you keep the rubbish until you can find the dustbin? Your support can help us to change the world.. Thank You~

Myspace Page Dividers
Kami mendapat idea untuk menghasilkan weblog dengan mengetengahkan masalah membuang sampah di merata-rata tempat ini kerana kami sering mengalami keadaan dimana apabila kami ingin membuang sampah, kami sukar untuk mencari tong sampah yang berdekatan dengan kami.. Kami selalunya mengalami masalah ini di USM.. Berdasarkan pemerhatian kami, bilangan tong sampah di USM adalah kurang dan kami berpendapat bahawa kekurangan tong sampah merupakan faktor utama seseorang membuang sampah di merata-rata tempat.. Adakah anda pernah mengalami situasi seperti ini? Bagaimana anda menghadapi situasi ini? Adakah anda terus membuang sampah merata-rata atau anda menyimpan sampah tersebut sehingga anda menjumpai tong sampah? Sokongan dari anda amat kami perlukan untuk melakukan perubahan.. Terima Kasih~